Saturday, April 07, 2007

Borat: Sexual learnings on a feminism

Elder Brother: Mr. Borat, Welcome to the Anti-Agony show. Why do feminists look like my uncle?

Borat: No, I bega pardone. They looka like MY grand uncle's anus. My grand uncle, Meesta Harddon Bolsquash, No.2 Rapist in Kazakhstan, alwaysa harvests pubic hair upon his anus that when he makes the shita, it is difficulta to tella him apart from the feminists.

*shows an upside down low angle picture of an old man's hairy bottom*

Elder Brother: Does your government scientist, Dr. Yamak, have any theories on why this striking similarity?

Borat: (shakes head) Yes very much. Dr. Yamaka spent many a ours studying my uncle's anus when he make the shit (yes, ith was smeelly smeelly for long and then he geta used to ith) and found the shit very similar to elements found in woman brain which is size of squirrel. That is whya ith is illegal in Kazhakstan to practice feminism becausa ith is considered brain drain when womana shit goes down the sheet-pot. When it appears on paper, ith becomes toilet paper. Dr.Yamaka says Feminism, like dysentry, is a diseasa where what comes out of anus also come out of woman mouth. So man does not make kiss with such woman and he go to the prostitute.

Elder Brother: I see. And how did this movement begin?

Borat: After the fotographa of my grand uncle Meesta Bolsquash's hairy anus came on front page of the Kazhak Mirror, womans with IQ of squirrel shit (none) also known as feminists (all who nevera evera make the sexy time with the man), found out that they don't need mirror to look at their face. Hence, they began to hunth for a identitty and found that to look like the No.1 prostitutes, they needed some woman-like quality. When they go to eat from garbage bin in a group, few woman who read (because her English teacher make a sexy time with her when she littlah) half torn page of the greath porno mag from the US and A, Cusmapolitan, (with a fotograpa of the Pamela Andersons, which I use to make hand party) learnt the word Feminism.

Elder Brother: Feminism is about the equality of the sexes and not about the similarity. Don't you think so? That men and women, though equal, are different. Saying the contrary is a grossly incorrect gender generalisation.

Borat: (Nods) No, I not agree. It is not possible. Women brain size of squirrel. Government scientist Dr.Yamak has proved it. If you not believa, you can compare face of feminista with my grand uncle's anus.

Elder Brother: *Examines picture* Oh, boy!